Sarblue Mak 60 - The Right Telescope For You?

Product Name: Sarblue Mak 60
Product Description: Fantastic Design Really easy to use Very portable
Brand: Sarblue
Optics - 9.5/10
Design - 9.5/10
Portability - 9.5/10
The Mak 60 is a 60mm aperture telescope from Sarblue that immediately catches the eye. In more ways than one Sarblue pretty much broke the mold when they made this telescope. Not only is it very compact and ultra-portable it’s also a maksutov-cassegrain telescope which in theory means it can produce better quality imagery than most of the other telescopes in the same category and price range. But is that really the case? Let’s take a closer look
- Fantastic Design
- Really easy to use
- Fast setup time
- Highly portable
- Not that much
The Mak 60 is a 60mm aperture telescope from Sarblue that immediately catches the eye. In more ways than one Sarblue pretty much broke the mold when they made this telescope. Not only is it very compact and ultra-portable it’s also a maksutov-cassegrain telescope which in theory means it can produce better quality imagery than most of the other telescopes in the same category and price range. But is that really the case? Let’s take a closer look.
Worth mentioning that we’ve also reviewed the Sarblue 70 which has a slightly larger aperture.
What’s in the box?
- The telescope tube itself, a 200mm optical tube that has a focal length of 750mm.
- The finderscope
- The 20mm eyepiece
- Instruction Manual
- Phone Adapter
- Erect-image diagonal prism
- And last but not least the mount which can be either a tripod one (full-size), desk mount on desk tripod. My recommendation here is to go for the tripod one, even if it does have a heftier price tag. It the best suited one for multiple occasions.
The Optical Tube

The main feature of this telescope is the optical tube. Now of course that is the case with all telescopes, but everything from the design to the build is not typical.
The first thing that you will notice is the color. It’s a very light blue and makes it great as décor object. A telescope look good in any room but this color gives it a more futuristic look.
The Tripod
As I mentioned earlier there are 3 options when it comes to the stand you choose to come with the telescope. There’s the table top stand and table top tripod which are slightly cheaper and then there is the option of a full tripod as a stand. If I had to recommend one I would almost always go with the full tripod one. It’s just the better option if this is your first or only telescope.
Therefore I also want to mention the full tripod in this review.
As a Maksutov-Cassegrain this telescope is expected to deliver some good quality images of the night sky.
With a total weight of under 5.25 lbs (2.4kg) it’s one of the more portable telescopes on the market. It’s portability is it’s no1. feature for sure.
The top lid comes off giving you an insider look into the telescope tube. I find this feature to be a very appealing one, especially from an educational point of view.
Technical Specifications: